Saturday, May 21, 2011

The apocalypse

Oh, hey, the world ended ~13 minutes ago, but I was too busy playing Portal 2 to notice.  They're still playing baseball on TV, Lawrence Welk is on and so on and so forth.  Nothing significant on the news, though there's a thunderstorm raging to the north.  Well, thank god for his messenger Rick Perry and his call for prayers for rain several weeks ago, or the rain would never have come.  This is absolute proof of God's existence!

Well that's enough snark for now.  It's a beautiful day for an apocalypse and I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.

Edit: Actually the prediction was that "the rapture" would occur at 6pm local on this day.  The world isn't supposed to end until October, apparently.  Nevertheless, nothing eventful on the news.  It's worth mentioning this isn't Harold Camping's first unfulfilled prophecy, though I suspect the prophecies, failed or not, have probably netted him more money than his civil engineering bachelor's degree ever did.

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