Monday, September 26, 2011

9DOF/SEN-10724: corrections

Looking at the schematic more closely this evening I noticed I'd made a couple of (apparently inconsequential) mistakes. First, the SEN-10724 board has built-in pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines, so those in my circuit were redundant. Second, the board has a voltage regulator to keep the voltage between gnd and Vcc on the devices at 3.3V, so you can actually hook it up to your 5V source and it should still work.

The updated (and simpler) circuit diagram is on the right.

Also, I've attached my (currently very sloppy) Fritzing part to the "code" base, so you can download it.

Edit: Reading the source for the Arduino Wire library, it appears that the library activates the AVR-internal pull-ups for the pins being used to connect to SCL and SDL, apparently making even the resistors on the SEN-10724 board redundant.

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