Saturday, October 29, 2011

Arduino, Wire, and I2C part 5b: Data Analysis and gnuplot

I've been using a feature of gnuplot lately that until yesterday I hadn't really given much thought to its potential. Gnuplot has a curve fitting tool which can be used to come up with those parameters to the sinusoidal functions in the previous post. It's not magic in that it won't necessarily always give you the right answer every time, but it can help with cleaning up estimates. Here's an example. First, define the function you're trying to fit to. In this case, I'm trying to fit to a simple sinusoidal function:
gnuplot> f(x)=a2*sin(omega*x+phi)+d2
This is the function described in the previous post, in gnuplot syntax. Now, you can try and fit the data to the function. The total data set isn't a consistent wave form so I'm going to reduce the data set to points between 150 and 250.
gnuplot> fit [150:250] f(x) "spin.dat" using 0:7 via a2,omega,phi,d2
The above instructs gnuplot to execute an iterative process, attempting to derive the values for a2, omega, phi, and d2 in the function defined as f(x). Gnuplot will output the results in various stages of the process. The most critical results are the final ones of course, which I reprint here:
Final set of parameters            Asymptotic Standard Error
=======================            ==========================

a2              = 0.774445         +/- 11.02        (1423%)
omega           = 0.973404         +/- 0.4104       (42.16%)
phi             = 6.881            +/- 82.27        (1196%)
d2              = -66.2102         +/- 6.535        (9.871%)
You may notice two things:
  1. The equation parameters are quite different from those that I posted previously, and
  2. The standard error percentage of the parameters is quite high (even the lowest, 9% is pretty significant).
You can "prime" the fit algorithm by seeding the parameter to reasonable approximations, i.e. give the fit a good starting point (there's probably a mathematical term for this but I'm not a mathematician). Using the parameters guessed at in the last post:
gnuplot> a2=93.5
gnuplot> d2=-75.6
gnuplot> omega=1/4.6
gnuplot> phi=-6
gnuplot> fit [150:250] f(x) "spin.dat" using 0:7 via a2,omega,phi,d2
Which ultimately resulted in:
Final set of parameters            Asymptotic Standard Error
=======================            ==========================

a2              = 90.8588          +/- 1.735        (1.909%)
omega           = 0.220797         +/- 0.0006131    (0.2777%)
phi             = -8.0615          +/- 0.1239       (1.537%)
d2              = -74.2817         +/- 1.185        (1.596%)

gnuplot> plot "spin.dat" using 7 axes x1y1 t "mag y" with lines, a2*sin(omega*x+phi)+d2

Which looks like a fairly good fit, with less than 2% error. A better fit could be made using equations with more independent variables, however, gnuplot's curve fit feature is limited to 5, of which the above already was using 4. I don't think there is much chance of refining this estimation any further using the fit feature of gnuplot.

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