Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jaerb Creators

Just when I thought that the whole mythos surrounding the fictional "Job Creators" had pretty much died out, some twatwaffle whines on PBS Newshour that EPA regulations to keep power companies from poisoning everything will have an undue burden on these fictional job creators. The twatwaffle in question was Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council. Supposedly their mission is to coordinate power generation and transmission across North America but really they just come off looking like lobbyists for power companies.

You didn't even pull the "job creators" card in an even remotely convincing fashion there, guy. Maybe you could dig up some Reagan-era anti-EPA rhetoric that's long since been discredited to along with it.

Who is it that you're actually trying to convince that you'll go out and hire a mess of workers but only if the EPA doesn't tell you to keep your toxins under control? What sort of bullshit blackmail are you trying to pull, here? "You need to let us dump mercury into the atmosphere or we're just going to stop hiring people" (in case it's not patently obvious, not an actual quote, but that's an interpretation).

I must confess I didn't watch the entire interview (or whatever it was supposed to be, despite Jim Lehrer's insistence that opinion, analysis, etc. etc. be readily distinguishable on the NewsHour, it really wasn't clear here), as pulling the "job creator" card pretty much made me not want to hear anything else Segal had to say. Maybe he had some decent points after that, but when you start out regurgitating last year's rhetoric, you don't deserve my ears for the 5 or so minutes you were on.

Phew. Time for some Oedipal Zen.

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